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Full Version: 4 years too late
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I always loved this server, and ever since I joined I wanted to be involved, but I also caused some trouble that I'm not afraid to admit.
I probably should have done this somewhere around late 2014 when I joined, but I guess I just never got around to it. (that's me for ya)
Well, what should I say that isn't already in my profile bio? Well back in the early days I actually admired (even if I gave off a hateful impression) Spike, and also known as The General of The Grey Warden, The Great Leader of Datlof (Hail Datlof!), and also known as a friend to everybody even the irritating ones (me), but now that he's gone it will put a dent in the lives of all CFEW members, staff, and friends.
Alright so that was practically a dedication to spike as well as my introductions so what else can I say?
I'm 13, I am American, I love helping people, and I am friends with most of the server.
That's it, but oh wait for one more thing I'm part Scottish-Irish and that didn't matter at all!