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Full Version: Tryme, crates and tokens!
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My vote crate ideas;
First of all, remove the chiselled stone brick (ugh)
For the more common side of things, we could do concrete, maybe bookshelves, bricks, idk.
For the rarer side of the spectrum, we could do like endchests, enchanting tables, etc.

Other ideas for really rare things, maybe spawn eggs? It would definitely be more rewarding for people like me who have played SW for so long that voting crates are pointless.

And I really don't have any opinion on the tryme, so yeah. That's all.
TryMe: More sharpness 1000 swords, less gunpowder.
i say we get rid of tryme and add back qukkiz and go to 1.11
replace TryMe netherwarts with plain wood singlechests. nobody hates a chest.
Do you like my chest-hair?

(Anyone who has seen the pun will understand)
Terrible pun barely relates to the post
spike no one likes your chesthair
Everyone likes my chesthair.
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