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My Thoughts On Respect - Printable Version

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My Thoughts On Respect - Indrae - 10-27-2012

Respect. It's a word we throw around a lot. What do we actually mean by it? I hope to use this thread to delve in to that question.

When we ask you to respect someone, we are not asking you to like that person. What we are really asking for is that you tolerate that person. You should tolerate that person's faults and weaknesses, and acknowledge their right to play on this server and to be their own person. You shouldn't harass, insult, or slander that person.

Words have consequences. They aren't always large, and they aren't always noticeable. But over time, the insults and the harassment that a person endures can add up. It can shape how that person thinks of themselves. This is the main reason that we have a rule about respect. If they ask for your honest opinion of themselves, we aren't asking you to lie. You have the right to say that you don't like them. You do not have the right to list all their faults in a way that is meant to hurt them.

There are no absolutes when it comes to people. Every person is a mix of faults and strengths. We have a tendency to focus on only the negatives. We have a responsibility to acknowledge the positives. Nobody is perfect. We need to be able to tolerate that.

Everything that I said above is my own opinion. Respect is a subjective term. I have given my opinion of what it means. What is yours?

RE: My Thoughts On Respect - invinsable12 - 10-27-2012

RE: My Thoughts On Respect - whitelily36 - 10-27-2012

RE: My Thoughts On Respect - Justin Case Kazoo - 10-27-2012

I can tell this is partly directed towards me. I'd like to apologize for what I have said lately and in the past, and I will try my best to not focus on the negatives, as well as keep my negative opinions to myself.

RE: My Thoughts On Respect - whitelily36 - 10-27-2012

RE: My Thoughts On Respect - Justin Case Kazoo - 10-27-2012

I meant Indrae's post, as last night there was an occurrence of this, and I was the one to blame.

RE: My Thoughts On Respect - Indrae - 10-27-2012

It has nothing to do with anyone specifically. I just thought it would be a good discussion to have.

RE: My Thoughts On Respect - invinsable12 - 10-28-2012

I thought it was more directed to me O.o

RE: My Thoughts On Respect - whitelily36 - 10-28-2012

RE: My Thoughts On Respect - EpicPrincess11 - 10-28-2012