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Pelle demoting - Printable Version

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Pelle demoting - Brennan983 - 11-04-2012

I was teaching someone basic redstone, then pelle logged on. When I said hi, she said that me being teacher was temporary. Then she demoted me. I'm pretty sure clown said that I could be a permanent Basic Redstone Teacher, but I would like some clarification.

RE: Pelle demoting - Justin Case Kazoo - 11-04-2012

I could be wrong, as I don't fool around with RSworld, but I believe Pelle is the "ruler" or "owner," so I think he can do whatever he wants to (not trying to sound mean or anything). Maybe talk to Pelle to see if you may be a teacher again.
I also don't know how involved clown is, so I wouldn't know how strong his word is, but just try nicely asking Pelle, and you might get lucky.

RE: Pelle demoting - Brennan983 - 11-04-2012

RE: Pelle demoting - blueapplepiedude - 11-04-2012

Just throwing this out here:
Pelle might've demoted you for digging holes thru bedrock everywhere, and making strobe-like piston things that lag a lot.

RE: Pelle demoting - Brennan983 - 11-06-2012

I didn't do those things.