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Coleson Ban Report - Printable Version

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Coleson Ban Report - 9bjames - 02-20-2012

RE: Coleson Ban Report - MetalicPenguin4 - 02-20-2012

Clown was on earlier and i was telling him about coleson getting out of hand...he said to tempban her if she continued. Lately, she has been using a lot of caps and cursing while justin and i are on. Yesterday, i logged in and she said "F*** NO!" "OPS RUIN EVERYTHING"...I heard someone saying that she made a Co** somewhere in planets i think.

RE: Coleson Ban Report - fireb4llz - 02-21-2012

Well, that explains what happened. Justin blamed my new circuit lol. Ive tested it numerous times, i knew it wasn't unstable and its almost spam proof.

RE: Coleson Ban Report - 9bjames - 02-21-2012

Okay, I spoke to cole, but she isn't banned yet...
I told her about the whole sheep thing, and she said she crashed, and didn't mean to leave the clock up and running... and that she only did it to harvest a lot of wool...
I am still pretty untrusting about this, so I told her to appeal here.
She then told me she didn't have a forum account on the new forums... I told her to make one... and she said she didn't really agree with the forum terms and conditions... (didn't agree with it on the grounds of having her IP address stored on an untrusted database...)
Next time I personally see her, I will ban her whether or not she agrees to make a forum account, since this still hasn't been truly resolved. In the meantime, if you're reading this Fishy, could you please check chat logs for Sunday the 19th of February, for any times cole logged in, and paste what it says here... Sorry if this is quite a bit of work to ask, especially when you've probably just come back, but I'm unhappy about this issue...

RE: Coleson Ban Report - MetalicPenguin4 - 02-21-2012

Would you like for any OP to ban her, or do you want to do it?

RE: Coleson Ban Report - 9bjames - 02-22-2012

I don't really mind. Just bear in mind she won't personally be able to appeal, unless she does make a forum account. That doesn't mean she shouldn't be given a chance, but also let her know to save the forum url so she can at least keep track, even if she doesn't make an account to appeal.

She did already apologise for leaving the clock there when i spoke to her, and said she wouldn't make one there again to gather wool, since she shouldn't have tampered with the spawner to begin with... even though technically what she did wasn't destructive to the spawner, it was still grief in a way.

RE: Coleson Ban Report - Justin Case Kazoo - 02-23-2012

Ugh, just now, she was on, asked if she had it written down or knew it. She said no, and so I started to tell her. Right when I sent the message, she said she had to go because of homework, and I'm positive she knew I was about to ban her. This is the second person who has dodged a ban like this; there's a loophole in the system of telling someone they're getting banned before you ban them... And having to tell the url of the forums...

RE: Coleson Ban Report - 9bjames - 02-23-2012

The protocol is is generally give them a couple of chances, if they then seem like they're avoiding it, ban without warning. She has been warned, note the URL in the ban message. If she doesn't note it down, it's her fault.

Edit - if worst comes to worst, she knows she can't avoid it forever, players can be banned without needing to be online, if necessary...

RE: Coleson Ban Report - Justin Case Kazoo - 02-24-2012

I have banned her now, and I put the url in the ban message.

RE: Coleson Ban Report - clownfish - 02-26-2012

OK Thank you very much everyone for your input. I will take all of this in & Cole's input and help here. I also agree that Coleson will need to reply on this forum to be unbanned. Cole your IP is safe with my website, you have my word on it. I don't use it or touch it and the database holding the IP is very secure. Cole use a proxy server if you are worried about your IP, but you will need an account here to reply/appeal and become unbanned. You could even make an account from a different home/computer or a random iPhone. But please use a legit email. I do not share this with anyone, emails are for private admin CFEW use only. Again you and all have my word on this.

Back to the ban: I have heard from Coleson & read this entire post. Thank you James and Justin for taking action - you did the right thing at the right time. Coleson you told me your motive was to 'just get a lot of wool and you didn't mean for it to cause trouble'. I can accept this as a possibility. For now the ban will stay. Let me review the chat logs and post them here. I will try me best in the next 6 hours. (yes DJ and itzGeorge also deserve Chat Log post to come to better ban conclusions) (chat log is easy to look up but work to clean it up and post here safely keeping IPs private and pm chat out)

Everyone thank you and I will do my best to help here.

For now, Coleson please make an account and reply here. Tell your story of what happend and why you did what you did. If you broke any rules, I would also encourage you to appolize for any recent times you have broken rules here.

The goal: For all involved to 'feel' better about Coleson's place in CFEW and learn to trust her. Coleseon it's this is up to your response and your future actions. Many do care about and enjoy your company in CFEW, please follow the rules and appeal here.

Thank you -Clownfish