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MILKOFSHEEP, Killercraft48, Zeranom Ban Report - Printable Version

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MILKOFSHEEP, Killercraft48, Zeranom Ban Report - 20Hours - 05-12-2012

While I was teleporting around to people checking for griefers/griefs and seeing if anyone needed help, I teleported to MILKOFSHEEP who was at /warp j20town. He had placed lava all over the outsides of the town, and it was flowing inside it. When I asked him why he was doing it, he said "for fun." When I said he was griefing, he said he was just "donating the lava, so he was actually helping them." So I banned him. While flying around cleaning up lava with James, I noticed that the snow wall around the tree area was griefed by Killercraft48, so he needs to be banned on sight. While still flying around, James pointed out that there was a house that was completely griefed except for the roof, and it was Zeranom. So he needs to be banned on sight also. Here are the pics:


Killercraft48's Grief:

Zeranom's Grief: