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Tryme, crates and tokens! - Printable Version

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RE: Tryme, crates and tokens! - IamEgg - 05-08-2018

well I don't.

RE: Tryme, crates and tokens! - Alshfik - 05-09-2018

For tryme I suggest the prize being Bonemeal that is renamed "TryMe Token" and these tokens can be traded within players and become another currency, this makes it so that tryme gives u money without giving u too much money.

RE: Tryme, crates and tokens! - Hamishac - 05-09-2018

Seems like a lot to make a new currency. Why wouldn't we just use gold?

RE: Tryme, crates and tokens! - Alshfik - 05-10-2018

Because gold can be mined and people don't really see it as a currency (and you can buy it at the shop).

RE: Tryme, crates and tokens! - Velluminous - 09-29-2019

RE: Tryme, crates and tokens! - hypotho - 09-30-2019

No need to apologize for talking about the holy qukkiz

RE: Tryme, crates and tokens! - IamEgg - 09-30-2019

qukkiz is a blessing from god can we go back to 2017

RE: Tryme, crates and tokens! - Charlie396 - 09-30-2019

Oh how the times have changed-
Lbr I only resigned because Qukkiz isn't coming back smh

RE: Tryme, crates and tokens! - hypotho - 09-30-2019

what if i bring him back

RE: Tryme, crates and tokens! - IamEgg - 10-01-2019

bring qukkiz back and everyone will come back from the dead