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MagicUnicorn_12 for slimemaster??? - Printable Version

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MagicUnicorn_12 for slimemaster??? - SuperMagicalCron12 - 07-01-2019

RE: MagicUnicorn_12 for slimemaster??? - Mattefente - 07-01-2019

RE: MagicUnicorn_12 for slimemaster??? - Snacc - 07-14-2019

Although you do have all of these things, the majority of the stuff you have was acquired by other means, (Aka other people helped), and you did beg people for a lot of stuff. Although you did design the auto-uranium farm, it is heavily reliant on the stuff that people supplied you. For me, it is a bit of a stretch to give you slime master just yet, as you aren't self-reliant enough, and you need help from other people to help you pass many obstacles.