Hi, my name is pahman, but everyone calls me pah.
I am an OPit on the server, and help to the best of my ability.
I live in Kildare, Ireland which automatically makes me a Lyons tea addict. I've been on the server for close to a year and love it to bits.
My fav subject is English or reading, and I have the world's cutest puppy dog named punk.
Remember, if you need help just ask, and welcome to the server.
I am an OPit on the server, and help to the best of my ability.
I live in Kildare, Ireland which automatically makes me a Lyons tea addict. I've been on the server for close to a year and love it to bits.
My fav subject is English or reading, and I have the world's cutest puppy dog named punk.
Remember, if you need help just ask, and welcome to the server.
Why be a king, when you could be a God?