05-08-2014, 07:49 PM
Ok so everyone knows that these two products are amazingly successful
which one is better? what are its pros? do they have better games?
are they more user friendly? you say and lets see if the anyone else can challenge
what you say
Rule: don't compare next gen to old gen as you will get smacked in the face by someone comparing their next gen eg
comment :ps4 has better graphics then xbox 360 ahahhaha
reply: well xbox has better graphics then ps4, see it wont work out only compare
ps4-xbox one/ps3-xbox360
which one is better? what are its pros? do they have better games?
are they more user friendly? you say and lets see if the anyone else can challenge
what you say
Rule: don't compare next gen to old gen as you will get smacked in the face by someone comparing their next gen eg
comment :ps4 has better graphics then xbox 360 ahahhaha
reply: well xbox has better graphics then ps4, see it wont work out only compare
ps4-xbox one/ps3-xbox360