04-25-2012, 09:48 PM
ok i have an idea, we get everyone to pitch in some money, and then we purchase a server, because hardly any sops here can run it on their computers. heres the link, my brother and i host a 1gb server on this website. hope this helps. www.chromobyte.com
chromobyte has 10$ US money/mo, for 1gb. and so on..... bye clown. I have really enjoyed playing on cfew. I have been a member of cfew for almost half a year. we need everyone to donate to get a good, well run server. as for the map of it, we can either upload it, or get a new one.
chromobyte has 10$ US money/mo, for 1gb. and so on..... bye clown. I have really enjoyed playing on cfew. I have been a member of cfew for almost half a year. we need everyone to donate to get a good, well run server. as for the map of it, we can either upload it, or get a new one.