02-20-2017, 02:26 PM
What about a world with really silly challenges, such as: Build a spirit animal next to your base, find another player and give them 3 diamonds, leave an offering at 5 other player's spirit animals. random stuff like that.
Babby OPit 11/7/16
Lil Op 12/8/16
Vet ?/?/17
Lil Op 2/?/17
OverSeer CW 3/?/17
SuperOP 5/8/17
Adviser 10/20/17
AdminĀ 3/?/18
Owner 4/11/18 (RIP Cfew)
Lil Op 12/8/16
Vet ?/?/17
Lil Op 2/?/17
OverSeer CW 3/?/17
SuperOP 5/8/17
Adviser 10/20/17
AdminĀ 3/?/18
Owner 4/11/18 (RIP Cfew)