08-23-2012, 09:18 PM
Could someone inform me of the reasons why it would be bad to let people have their own villagers? (Of course there might be lag with having too many spawned, but that's not what I'm talking about.) You guys are saying you don't want a large amount of emeralds to come into circulation in a short amount of time (or right now at all, as it sounds like). But there is jmcmarket, which has villagers, and it sounds like admins are ok with those villagers there. But there's no difference between villagers in a public place and villagers in a private location. You could just as easily get stacks and stacks of emeralds with the public villagers as you could with the private ones. And if it's because you're thinking the private ones could have better trades and the person could exploit that, then there's the fact that villagers constantly delete and aquire new trades. (After trading a deal 3 times, it has a chance of disappearing.) So yep, if that's not it, then me no umberstand.