@james instead of reading your extremely lengthy posts. I will propose an extremely simple, very well thought out rank system which I had considered (with the portal ideas we will be bringing to the server) I don't mean to sound rude, instead of being against my ideas because of my negativity. Hear me out, I read about 10 of your lengthy posts here and considered them for quite some time. I also noticed that this topic is now 9 pages over with little progress actually being made....
Two Things this server has always (And will always follow)
1: Everyone is Welcome
2: Have fun!
How can we make the entire rank system and worlds based around these two concepts?
Easy, make the ranking systems AUTOMATIC (except creative) and split between worlds, with different ranking categories. 4 Worlds all together (I don't see why we need six?) Most ranks will be automatic, with little worry from the OPs, freeing up their time to help users at spawns and making the server fun, rather than being the police.
PVP/Survival World:
Heroes Plugin, everything is automatic (No OP needs to monitor/update ranks, only Admin Updater needs to update plugin and edit PVP ranks per user request/satisfaction of PVP system). People can have different "classes" which have different abilities, defined by permissions
More explained here: http://z15.invisionfree.com/CFMinecraft/...wtopic=309
Creative World:
The current ranking system you're proposing now, the 4 ranks being discussed. Creative will inevitably be a "builder" based world, because that's exactly what it is. People fighting for "the next best rank" is an inevitability. Denying this is fraught with futility.
Traditional World:
Job ranks. People can mine, landscape, farm, or do virtually any project for money. The money can then be re-invested into the (Currently broken Economy) Which would simultaneously fix the economy because people would find money valuable and trust the money.
Ranks for jobs: (We can define it however way we want, the plugin for this is automatic, like the Heroes plugin, except it's linked directly to IConomy. The user can change to whatever they want.)
- Farmer
- Miner
- Builder
- Helper
Redstone Ranks:
Same as Creative ranks, except with Redstone prefixes. No need to change.
Hang the rules about "too many ranks" and "This is confusing". It's CONFUSING because we have a spawn with about 200 signs that every new player is required to read.
Instead, make 4 separate spawns with portals linking to them. Have a total of, at most, 40 signs which explain the server and the current world you're in. Have the spawns open ended and have an FAQ on the forums (Which users will join because they will want to learn). Thus solving the "users aren't visiting forums problem" as well.
Two Things this server has always (And will always follow)
1: Everyone is Welcome
2: Have fun!
How can we make the entire rank system and worlds based around these two concepts?
Easy, make the ranking systems AUTOMATIC (except creative) and split between worlds, with different ranking categories. 4 Worlds all together (I don't see why we need six?) Most ranks will be automatic, with little worry from the OPs, freeing up their time to help users at spawns and making the server fun, rather than being the police.
PVP/Survival World:
Heroes Plugin, everything is automatic (No OP needs to monitor/update ranks, only Admin Updater needs to update plugin and edit PVP ranks per user request/satisfaction of PVP system). People can have different "classes" which have different abilities, defined by permissions
More explained here: http://z15.invisionfree.com/CFMinecraft/...wtopic=309
Creative World:
The current ranking system you're proposing now, the 4 ranks being discussed. Creative will inevitably be a "builder" based world, because that's exactly what it is. People fighting for "the next best rank" is an inevitability. Denying this is fraught with futility.
Traditional World:
Job ranks. People can mine, landscape, farm, or do virtually any project for money. The money can then be re-invested into the (Currently broken Economy) Which would simultaneously fix the economy because people would find money valuable and trust the money.
Ranks for jobs: (We can define it however way we want, the plugin for this is automatic, like the Heroes plugin, except it's linked directly to IConomy. The user can change to whatever they want.)
- Farmer
- Miner
- Builder
- Helper
Redstone Ranks:
Same as Creative ranks, except with Redstone prefixes. No need to change.
Hang the rules about "too many ranks" and "This is confusing". It's CONFUSING because we have a spawn with about 200 signs that every new player is required to read.
Instead, make 4 separate spawns with portals linking to them. Have a total of, at most, 40 signs which explain the server and the current world you're in. Have the spawns open ended and have an FAQ on the forums (Which users will join because they will want to learn). Thus solving the "users aren't visiting forums problem" as well.